In light of today's announcement, I'm not sure what the benefits of a
"middleman" would be.

Can you clarify

a. How much it would cost me to get Twitter data from you via
PubSubHubbub vs. getting the feeds directly from Twitter?
b. What benefits there are to acquiring Twitter data via PubSubHubbub
over direct access?

On Mar 1, 3:08 pm, Julien <> wrote:
> Ola!
> I know this s some kind of recurring topic for this mailing list. I
> know all the heat around it, but I think that Twitter's new strategy
> concerning their firehose is a good occasion to push them to implement
> the PubSubHubbub protocol.
> Superfeedr makes RSS feeds realtime. We host hubs for several big
> publishers, including Tumblr, Posterous, HuffingtonPost, Gawker and
> several others.
> We want to make one for Twitter. Help us assessing the need and
> convince Twitter they need one (hosted by us or even them, if they'd
> rather go down that route) :
> Any comment/suggestion is more than welcome.

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