On 03/26/2010 10:32 AM, John Kalucki wrote:
> The combinatorics don't work out here until we offer boolean AND. Tokens are
> thrown against a HashMap to determine delivery. It's not really feasible to
> also throw arbitrary combinations of tokens against the HashMap. If we ever
> support AND, then you could search for ow AND ly.
> You'll have to over-request and filter on your end.

This may have to wait till Chirp, but as long as we're on the subject of
"filtering at the consumer end", how good is *Cassandra* at that sort of
filtering, relative to all the other databases, NoSQL and "traditional"
ACID-compliant RDBMS? And how good is Cassandra relative to Hadoop?

I've been thinking PostgreSQL in my designs, mostly because it's the one
I know best, it's solid as a rock and I have friends who will disown me
if I use MySQL. ;-) But using the same DB as Twitter has an appeal to it
just because you *do* use it. And, of course, because NoSQL databases
are cool and geeky. ;-)

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