On Apr 17, 5:47 pm, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (Running from memory of an information filled conference)
> On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 02:28, Tim <fabianh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > I've been looking around for information on how the new "promoted
> > tweets" advertising feature will affect the API, and I've not really
> > found anything. I gather that it's a two phase approach starting with
> > search and then rolling out to timelines, but can anyone here
> > clarify:
> > (a) whether API responses will include promoted tweets,
> Eventually but not yet.
> > (b) whether these tweets will be identified as ads
> They will be identified as promoted and  it will be required to
> differentiate them from non-promoted tweets.
> > (c) whether third parties are 'obligated' to present them to users
> It will be opt in per application.

Do you know if those of us making small uses of the API (for example,
most of our site runs off of the API, but we aren't an application in
the sense that we perform actions on behalf of users via the API) have
to register at dev. to be able to avoid being automatically opted in
at some point?

Also, do you know how much agency we have in where promoted tweets
appear? (Is placement determined automatically by keywords in the
tweets, or are we allowed to pick? Likewise, are we penalized (as per
AdWords) for electing to appear for a search or keyword if an
algorithm can't see it's relevance, or will the up/down system be
entirely based on how users respond to what we've elected to promote?)

Our primary interest here is that we might be able to use the system
to promote the work of the writers we publish, but literature isn't
really a keyword-dense affair. A poem doesn't say it's a poem, for
example--it just is one--so if we promoted a "poem" we'd want it to
appear under searches for "poems" rather than searches for "apples"
just because it has the word apples in it.

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