> Do you know if those of us making small uses of the API (for example,
> most of our site runs off of the API, but we aren't an application in
> the sense that we perform actions on behalf of users via the API) have
> to register at dev. to be able to avoid being automatically opted in
> at some point?
> Also, do you know how much agency we have in where promoted tweets
> appear? (Is placement determined automatically by keywords in the
> tweets, or are we allowed to pick? Likewise, are we penalized (as per
> AdWords) for electing to appear for a search or keyword if an
> algorithm can't see it's relevance, or will the up/down system be
> entirely based on how users respond to what we've elected to promote?)

its too early to know answers to either of these questions -- the promoted
tweets program just started, and i suspect it will be a few months before we
get to the syndication phase of the program.

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

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