Hey guys, a couple questions/remarks on the new user streams features:

1) OAuth
I have no problem using the stream with BasicAuth, nor using the REST
API with OAuth. However I'm always getting 401s with OAuth on the
stream, even though Zac's fork or earlybird works flawlessly.
Just to try and locate the problem I tried signing the request with
the official noob tool at 
and sending the header with curl (with fiddling with spaces, tabs &
newline just in case, and even the realm value - just because
earlybird's impl doesn't send it), and I still can't login. While my
own code signing matches the parameters this tool outputs (and works
on api.twitter.com) it doesn't match what the ruby gem generates, even
when using the same timestamp and nonce, so I was suspecting some
difference in the base string. (I don't know Ruby, or how to get the
Base String there, but there's apparently a signature_base_string
method, and it did seem to have all the oauth params in the query

2) +1 on the user burping at the beginning :)

3) Are the deletion notices going to be hydrated too ? ATM it's a
little raw. While it's understandable for the status not to be there
since it's just been deleted, maybe the full JSON user could be there
instead of just its id ?


On May 6, 12:41 am, Mark McBride <mmcbr...@twitter.com> wrote:
> Ok.  The query string OAuth variant should be working now.  We only
> support HMAC-SHA1 (just like twitter.com does) for signature methods,
> and don't have plans to support other schemes.
>    ---Mark
> http://twitter.com/mccv
> On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 3:21 PM, John Kalucki <j...@twitter.com> wrote:
> > We should probably just burp the whole user object out at connection start.
> > On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 3:12 PM, Zac Bowling <zbowl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Hydrated message support in earlybird!
> >>http://github.com/zbowling/earlybird/
> >> OAuth in query string doesn't work  and only HMAC-SHA1 signature (unless 
> >> you
> >> only allow plaintext over SSL) but its fine.
> >> One feature request would be an inital event with the users credentials 
> >> just
> >> like how the user's social graph comes down initially. Right now I don't
> >> know the user's screen_name unless I also hit api.twitter.com or he tells 
> >> me
> >> on the command line. With that I could drop the dependency on the twitter
> >> gem.
> >> Zac Bowling
> >> @zbowling
> >> On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 10:54 AM, Mark McBride <mmcbr...@twitter.com> wrote:
> >>> It should support both.  Can you send me a direct email with a URL
> >>> that you tried?
> >>>   ---Mark
> >>>http://twitter.com/mccv
> >>> On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 10:38 AM, Zac Bowling <zbowl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> > My fork of earlybird works:
> >>> >http://github.com/zbowling/earlybird/
> >>> > Fixing it to support hydrated objects.
> >>> > One thing is that it doesn't appear to support query string passed OAuth
> >>> > params but if I pass it as authentication headers it works.
> >>> > Zac Bowling
> >>> > On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 10:31 AM, Mark McBride <mmcbr...@twitter.com>
> >>> > wrote:
> >>> >> OAuth support on betastream is live now.  This is different OAuth
> >>> >> implementation than we use on twitter.com, so if you find any rough
> >>> >> edges please let us know quick like.
> >>> >> The changes to make direct messages more distinguishable from tweets
> >>> >> has also been pushed.  This will probably require some changes in
> >>> >> parsing logic when dealing with DMs.
> >>> >>   ---Mark
> >>> >>http://twitter.com/mccv

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