I am the lead dev on Twitgoo and I just built full echo support for
'upload' there.  Its on the beta site right now, so if you want to
test, please contact me for the info, otherwise it should be out by
the end of the week.  It will have full support of header, query
string and multipart body parameters.

On May 17, 2:47 pm, Rich <rhyl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> With the impending switch off of Basic Auth, should we keep a list of
> media providers and external services that have already made the
> switch to oAuth Echo.
> So far I've found and tested
> TwitPic - full oAuth Echo support
> TwitVid - oAuth Echo by sending as a URL parameter
> I know MobyPicture intend to have oAuth Echo enabled this month.
> Any others any one knows of?

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