
I follow the example at http://dev.twitter.com/pages/auth in order to
authenticate and tweet and it works fine with their example: I tweet
successfully the sentence "setting up my twitter 私のさえずりを設定する". But
then I try to tweet the just the sentence in plain English: "setting
up my twitter" and it fails, I get this message:

{"request":"/1/statuses/update.json","error":"Incorrect signature"}

I have tested and basically the idea is: if the sentence I want to
tweet has UTF-8 characters, it will work fine, posting everything; if
it doesn't have them, then I'll get the error message displayed.

Why can this happen? It seems an error with the URLEncode but, why
would it work in one string and not in a substring? Also, could anyone
tell me how accurate that error message is? Could it be something
different from the signature being incorrect?


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