HI Matt,

Thanks for your response.
I tried using the oauth token and secret for the x_auth_username and
x_auth_password but that did not work for the 2 legged oauth that I am
trying to achieve using Twitter4J so that I don't get prompted for the
browser authorization that I am trying to avoid.I have sent a request
to the twittter api folks about it.I am not sure if that is the right
way to proceed.

Just to clarify.I have my own Twitter account and I have  a web
application that wants to access my Twitter account private list of
followers.So, I setup a Twitter a/c and also an Application under that
a/c which gave me a consumer key/secret.Now, I have a web application
which accesses this Twitter a/c to get the private list of followers
without prompting a Browser prompt for user authorization(server to
server backend using 2 legged Oauth maybe ???)


On Jun 12, 12:07 pm, Matt Harris <thematthar...@twitter.com> wrote:
> Hi Vijay,
> If you only want access to your own account then you can visit the
> application details for your application onhttp://dev.twitter.com/apps. On
> that page you will find an option called My Access Token. This option will
> display the user token and secret for you to be able to access your
> application.
> Remember, this is only suited for your own account on your own application.
> Hope that helps,
> Matt
> On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 11:06 PM, Vijay <bvija...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Pardon my ignorance here as a 1st time poster.
> > My actual requirement:
> > My web app using jQuery/Juitter needs to access my twitter account's
> > private List of people I am following.
> > I am trying to use a proxy service with a java servlet on the
> > serverside to access the Twitter API.Basic Auth is not going to work
> > and the next option was OAuth which lead me to the server-side
> > solution with java/Twitter4J.
> > I need to get a Browserless authorization exchange for my web
> > application.Ideally, I would like to use the Consumer key and secret
> > instead of username and password but I do not want to display the
> > Authorization page for the backend access from my web application to
> > my twitter account via the Twitter API to happen.Curently, I am trying
> > to use Twitter4J to access the API with the Consumer key and secret
> > and get a 401 authentication credentials error.
> > I have looked at this post which asks to provide username and password
> > in the POST.Is xAuth the option I should use for my web app to access
> > my twitter account's private List of people I am following ?
> >http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-oauth-access_to...
> > Appreciate any feedback for a newcomer with Twitter.
> > Vijay
> --
> Matt Harris
> Developer Advocate, Twitterhttp://twitter.com/themattharris

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