
Really sorry to hear that we'll be losing you. You have been a HUGE part of
this community for many years and have helped countless developers make
their way through, at times, really choppy waters. We can't thank you enough
for the time and energy you have put into helping developers in the twitter
API community grow and please know we are really appreciative of all your

FWIW, we are all in agreement that the mailing list is probably no longer
the right tool for the community and are actively looking at other
solutions. Any suggestions are welcome.

If you ever need a reference, please consider us top of the list :)

Best wishes and hopefully we'll find you lurking.


On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 9:13 PM, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I just wanted to let everyone know that I won't be on the list much going
> forward. Reading the list has become a time consuming burden (1000+
> emails/month) and much of it has become reiteration for me. Getting more
> time on my own projects and paying for the roof over my head are top
> priorities right now. But if you have questions pertaining to me feel free
> to cc me on them and I will be more then happy to jump in.
> If you are interested in hiring me for Twitter integration projects
> (especially OAuth with just over 2 weeks left) or just want to say hi you
> can reach me as 4bra...@gmail.com or @abraham.
> Oh. I have several Twitter API related blog posts in draft so be sure to
> look for them on http://blog.abrah.am/.
> I'll be around :)
> Abraham
> -------------
> Abraham Williams | Hacker Advocate | http://abrah.am
> @abraham | http://projects.abrah.am | http://blog.abrah.am
> This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.

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