You can use Twitter Search API to filter or limit the GEO location.

within range from 1 to 1000 in units of mi or km

near:"San Francisco" within:1000mi

Twitter search string,-122.419204,1000.0mi&q=+near:%22San+Francisco%22+within:1000mi

You can see it use geocode latitude and longitude, use near filter for
places and use within filter as diameter range.

You can use string to construct your search query to adjust your
search results. I have used this several times in a few mobile apps.
It works well.

On Aug 14, 2:34 pm, Tom van der Woerdt <> wrote:
> On 8/14/10 11:20 PM, Mark W wrote:
> > I've searched for a solution, but couldn't find one.
> > I'm looking for a way that I can feed in a GeoLocation (Lat,Long) and
> > get the latest x tweets posted from around that area.
> > statuses/public_timeline doesn't support GeoLocation.
> > I looked at search, which can limit the returned amount by
> > GeoLocation, however, it requires a query search string, which I don't
> > have.
> > Any help or friendly point in the right direction is appreciated...
> > Thanks.
> > Mark
> The streams function of twitter can do this.
> Tom

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