You are welcome. Glad it works for you.

It would be nice to see example of using Stream API using location.

Anyone can offer example code in using Twitter Places? narrow down
specific geo location?

On Aug 21, 5:43 pm, Mark W <> wrote:
> Bess and Tom,
> Thanks for the responses.  The search method seemed to work best for
> me.  I appreciate the quick responses.
> Mark
> On Aug 14, 5:20 pm, Mark W <> wrote:
> > I've searched for a solution, but couldn't find one.
> > I'm looking for a way that I can feed in a GeoLocation (Lat,Long) and
> > get the latest x tweets posted from around that area.
> > statuses/public_timeline doesn't support GeoLocation.
> > I looked at search, which can limit the returned amount by
> > GeoLocation, however, it requires a query search string, which I don't
> > have.
> > Any help or friendly point in the right direction is appreciated...
> > Thanks.
> > Mark

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