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On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 3:45 PM, Brian Sutorius <bsutor...@twitter.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> Over the past 24 hours, we've received some questions about the
> Twifficiency app, so we thought we'd use this as an opportunity to
> quickly share some information around our Developer Principles.
> For background, the Twifficiency app computes a "Twifficiency score"
> based on different aspects of your Twitter account and posts the score
> as a Tweet. While the developer included a disclaimer that these
> Tweets would be posted to Twitter, user feedback indicated that the
> text was too far down on the page to be noticed before proceeding. As
> a result, many users were surprised that their scores were being
> tweeted automatically.
> Which brings us to our Developer Principles, one of which is "Don't
> surprise users." Specifically, we require developers to get users'
> permission before sending Tweets or other messages on their behalf.
> Allowing an application to access your account does not constitute
> consent for actions to automatically be taken on your behalf.
> Twifficiency violated this principle, so we suspended the app
> yesterday afternoon while we worked with the developer to make sure
> users were better informed about the application's actions and could
> control whether or not a Tweet would be posted. With these changes
> --which include a more prominent warning and a checkbox on the main
> page-- the application has been re-enabled.
> Our developer principles can be found in our API Terms of Service:
> http://dev.twitter.com/pages/api_terms
> Brian Sutorius
> API Policy

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