My opinion is that twitter is trying to keep it intentionally simple for the
benefit of apps.

for Joe Regular, more options than allow / deny is going to create confusion
and apps will suffer.

Its pretty clear that if you tweet on behalf of users without consent there
will be confusion/anger and you are at risk of blacklist and its at that
point that Twitter should and does intervene, as an ISP would on spam. But
before that, I think 2 choices are exactly what should be.

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 4:20 PM, Ben Metcalfe <>wrote:

> What I'd actually like to see is some granularity in the oAuth
> permissions that go beyond binary "has complete access: DENY|ALLOW",
> and this would also solve this problem.
> Surprising users when an app auto-tweets is one thing, but I'm more
> concerned about a given app reading my DM's, for example (which I
> wouldn't know about, thus no 'surprise' but still bad).
> I would urge Twitter to look at Flickr's oAuth (well 'oAuth style')
> auth which lets users dictate the level of access a given app is
> allowed and even let developers appropriately request only the right
> level they need.
> Twifficiency technically only needed read-only access to my public
> tweets (ok, it wouldn't have had the viral aspect).  If when I oAuthed
> for it the twitter landing page said:
> Give app "Twifficiency" access to the following on your account? :
> [x] public tweets
> [  ] send tweets
> [  ] read direct messages
> This seems more appropriate but would also deal with the issue of
> surprising auto-tweets when the app developer doesn't highlight it up
> front.  What do people think?
> Thanks,
> Ben Metcalfe
> On Aug 18, 1:45 pm, Brian Sutorius <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Over the past 24 hours, we've received some questions about the
> > Twifficiency app, so we thought we'd use this as an opportunity to
> > quickly share some information around our Developer Principles.
> >
> > For background, the Twifficiency app computes a "Twifficiency score"
> > based on different aspects of your Twitter account and posts the score
> > as a Tweet. While the developer included a disclaimer that these
> > Tweets would be posted to Twitter, user feedback indicated that the
> > text was too far down on the page to be noticed before proceeding. As
> > a result, many users were surprised that their scores were being
> > tweeted automatically.
> >
> > Which brings us to our Developer Principles, one of which is "Don't
> > surprise users." Specifically, we require developers to get users'
> > permission before sending Tweets or other messages on their behalf.
> > Allowing an application to access your account does not constitute
> > consent for actions to automatically be taken on your behalf.
> >
> > Twifficiency violated this principle, so we suspended the app
> > yesterday afternoon while we worked with the developer to make sure
> > users were better informed about the application's actions and could
> > control whether or not a Tweet would be posted. With these changes
> > --which include a more prominent warning and a checkbox on the main
> > page-- the application has been re-enabled.
> >
> > Our developer principles can be found in our API Terms of Service:
> >
> > Brian Sutorius
> > API Policy

Peter Denton
Co-Founder, Product Marketing
cell: (206) 427-3866
twitter @Mombo_movies
twitter - personal: @petermdenton

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