Hi Rich,

You can't be guaranteed to always have a display_url (there will be many
historical tweets without it, or perhaps the service that negotiates
display_urls will be down), so you should code defensively, making use of
them when they are present but choosing an alternate display method when it
is absent.

display_url, as you've noted, is also a misnomer since the string contained
within the field is technically not a URL, but just a string to display
instead of the URL. expanded_url should always be safe to assume as actually
being a URL.

While it should be safe to assume that all t.co links will have an
expanded_url as well as a display_url, I'd still code defensively in the
event that something goes wrong.


On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 5:28 AM, Rich <rhyl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I have a question for the API team.  I notice that display_url doesn't
> contain the protocol e.g. http:// or https:// yet expanded_url does.
> Would I be safe to assume that a <url>http://t.co/xxxxxx</url> would
> always contain an expanded_url as well as a display_url?
> Richard
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