Thanks... I should've posted the whole thing because now I'm getting
another error! This is what I'm trying to do (I really appreciate your

     /* Load required lib files. */
     require_once('twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php'); /* This is the
library for connecting with oAuth */
     require_once('config.php'); /* This is the file that contains
the oAuth credentials - this will be different for each app */
    //$twitterUser = 'YOUR_FRIENDS_USERNAME';
    $twitterUser = $field_twitter_url;
     /* Create a TwitterOauth object with consumer/user tokens. */
     $connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET,
     $statuses = $connection->get('statuses/user_timeline',
array('screen_name' => $twitterUser'));

     //create a time display like '1 hour ago'
     function twitterTime($time) {
           $delta = time() - $time;
           if ($delta < 60) {
              return 'less than a minute ago.';
           } else if ($delta < 120) {
             return 'about a minute ago.';
           } else if ($delta < (45 * 60)) {
             return floor($delta / 60) . ' minutes ago.';
           } else if ($delta < (90 * 60)) {
             return 'about an hour ago.';
           } else if ($delta < (24 * 60 * 60)) {
             return 'about ' . floor($delta / 3600) . ' hours ago.';
           } else if ($delta < (48 * 60 * 60)) {
             return '1 day ago.';
           } else {
             return floor($delta / 86400) . ' days ago.';
     //this is an empty string container we're going to pass the
result of our loop into
     $twitterString = "";

                      foreach ($xml->status as $entry)

 // there are more elements to choose from see:
                  $status               = $entry->text;
                  $profilePic   = $entry->user->profile_image_url;
                  $profileName  = $entry->user->screen_name;
                  $statusRealName       = $entry->user->name;
                  $profileURL   = $entry->user->url;
                  $statusDate   = $entry->created_at;
                  $statusSource         = $entry->source;
                  $statusDateFormatted = twitterTime(strtotime($statusDate));
                  $profileBio   = $entry->user->description;
                  $statusFollowCount    = $entry->user->followers_count;

                  echo "<div class=\"post hentry\">\n";
                  echo "<div class=\"image-box\">\n";
                  echo "<img class=\"photo\">\n";
                  echo "<a href=\"$profileName\"; target=
\"_blank\"><img class=\"userPicThumb\" src=\"$profilePic\" alt=
\"$profileRealName\" /></a>\n";
                  echo "</div>\n";
                  echo "<div class=\"text-box\">\n";
                  echo "<div class=\"meta\">\n";
                  echo "<strong class=\"post-link\">\n";
                  echo "<a class=\"entry-title\" href=\"
$profileName\" target=\"_blank\">$profileName</a>\n";
                  echo "</strong>\n";
                  echo "<span class=\"vcard\"><span class=\"fn\"> 
                  echo "</div>\n";
                  echo "<p class=\"entry-content\">$status</p>\n";
                  echo "<div class=\"time\">\n";
                  echo "<span>$statusDateFormatted from $statusSource</span>\n";
                  echo "</div>\n";
                  echo "</div>\n";
                  echo "<div class=\"clear\"></div>\n";
                  echo "</span>\n";
                  echo "</div>\n";


On Mar 25, 3:52 pm, Abraham Williams <> wrote:
> Oops. I had a type. The = needs a > directly after it like =>
> Abraham
> -------------
> Abraham Williams | Hacker Advocate |
> <>Just launched from Answerly <>:
> InboxQ<>for Chrome
> @abraham <> | |
> This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 15:44, Jon <> wrote:
> > Thanks Abraham,
> > I'm getting an error on the last line there though:
> > "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting ')' in ..."
> > On Mar 25, 3:33 pm, Abraham Williams <> wrote:
> > > You are not formatting the GET request correctly and TwitterOAuth
> > > automatically parses the JSON response for you.
> > > <?php
> > >      /* Load required lib files. */
> > >      require_once('twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php'); /* This is the
> > > library for connecting with oAuth */
> > >      require_once('config.php'); /* This is the file that contains
> > > the oAuth credentials - this will be different for each app */
> > >     //$twitterUser = 'YOUR_FRIENDS_USERNAME';
> > >     $twitterUser = $field_twitter_url;
> > >      /* Create a TwitterOauth object with consumer/user tokens. */
> > >      $connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET,
> > >      $statuses = $connection->get('statuses/user_timeline',
> > > array('screen_name' = $twitterUser'));
> > > Abraham
> > > -------------
> > > Abraham Williams | Hacker Advocate |
> > > <>Just launched from Answerly <>:
> > > InboxQ<>for Chrome
> > > @abraham <> | |
> >
> > > This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
> > > On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 14:50, Jon <> wrote:
> > > > Hello,
> > > > I am having trouble with the below code... I am trying to pull a
> > > > user's timeline. Can someone please let me know where I've gone wrong?
> > > >    <?php
> > > >      /* Load required lib files. */
> > > >      require_once('twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php'); /* This is the
> > > > library for connecting with oAuth */
> > > >      require_once('config.php'); /* This is the file that contains
> > > > the oAuth credentials - this will be different for each app */
> > > >     //$twitterUser = 'YOUR_FRIENDS_USERNAME';
> > > >     $twitterUser = $field_twitter_url;
> > > >      /* Create a TwitterOauth object with consumer/user tokens. */
> > > >      $connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET,
> > > >      $xml = $connection->get('statuses/user_timeline.xml?screen_name=
> > > > $twitterUser');
> > > >      $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Jon
> > > > --
> > > > Twitter developer documentation and resources:
> >
> > > > API updates via Twitter:
> > > > Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> > > >
> > > > Change your membership to this group:
> > > >
> > --
> > Twitter developer documentation and resources:
> > API updates via Twitter:
> > Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> >
> > Change your membership to this group:
> >

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API updates via Twitter:
Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
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