Hey Luc,

You're not getting rate limited. Let's take a closer look on these two

1) First error: *Sorry, you are not authorized to see this status*
That means the tweet you're trying to get is "protected". Only people
approved by its author (following him) can read / retrieve it.

2) Second error: *since_id too recent, poll less frequently*
Looks like the since_id tweet you provided hasn't been indexed yet. Would be
interesting to know the value you used and if you can reproduce this error
(using the same since_id value).

On an unrelated note, what kind of search requests are you doing? Have you
considered the statuses/filter method of the Streaming API? That could be a
much more efficient way for you :)

- More info on:
- Twitter4j doc:

Arnaud / @rno <http://twitter.com/rno>

On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 6:53 AM, LucMartinPro

> Hello
> We are using our application CommCenter, to search twitter and get
> full tweet + user data based on query results using the Twitter4j
> query and showStatus methods. We need both as the query method does
> not return enough information (like retweet count and follower count),
> and we can't search using showStatus. Therefore, we first use query to
> get "basic" results, then for each call showStatus to get the detailed
> information.
> However, we're getting 403 errors such as
> 403:The request is understood, but it has been refused. An
> accompanying error message will explain why. This code is used when
> requests are being denied due to update limits (http://
> support.twitter.com/forums/10711/entries/15364).
> error - Sorry, you are not authorized to see this status.
> request - /1/statuses/show/62741653433225216.json?
> include_entities=true
> Relevant discussions can be on the Internet at:
>                http://www.google.co.jp/search?q=6b80c41c or
>                http://www.google.co.jp/search?q=1b284c1e
> TwitterException{exceptionCode=[6b80c41c-1b284c1e], statusCode=403,
> retryAfter=0,
> rateLimitStatus=RateLimitStatusJSONImpl{remainingHits=339,
> hourlyLimit=350, resetTimeInSeconds=1304029, secondsUntilReset=900,
> resetTime=Fri Apr 29 00:19:18 CEST 2011}, version=2.2.1}
> and
> 403:The request is understood, but it has been refused. An
> accompanying error message will explain why. This code is used when
> requests are being denied due to update limits (http://
> support.twitter.com/forums/10711/entries/15364).
> error - since_id too recent, poll less frequently
> Relevant discussions can be on the Internet at:
>                http://www.google.co.jp/search?q=d35baff5 or
>                http://www.google.co.jp/search?q=0886c892
> TwitterException{exceptionCode=[d35baff5-0886c892], statusCode=403,
> retryAfter=0, rateLimitStatus=null, version=2.2.1}
> -----
> It seems retrieving the full tweet + user data for each tweet
> (showStatus method call) counts as a hit so we're hitting our limit
> really quickly. Do you think there's a way around this or an obvious
> solution we don't see? whitelisting?
> Thanks in advance.
> Luc Martin
> --
> Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
> API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
> Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
> Change your membership to this group:
> http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk

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