On 20-Nov-05 12:25:37 Francois PIETTE wrote:


>As the compression is encapsulated in the HttpProt component, one could use
>anything it likes for actual compression library with minimal effort. It is
>not mandatory to use any DLL. My first idea was to validate the code using
>any compressions quickly available (read DLL) and then replace that code
>with something else. This way we can debug HTTP part of the code separately
>from actual compression code.

I suggest that the compression part (i.e the one that implement the
gzip using the dll) should not be included in the library (I mean the
ICS package, not the distrbuted zip) but as demo or similar. Then it
is a choose of the developer if include it (or another
implementation) in the application.

Bye, Maurizio.

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