
> I have trouble with running an exe that uses the the THttpCli component
> on a W95. It works on W98 and later. And it works also on earlier
> versions of ICS, but not the latest beta.
> I get this error-message in ReasonPhrase in OnRequestDone:
> Can't connect: No error (Error #0)
> Anyone has any tips?

Try upgrading Winsock to Winsock 2. Because currently almost nobody really
cares about backward compatibility (unless it requires abnormal 10% brain
usage and spending five minutes more on upgrading sources), there's a big
chance that nobody noticed that something may require Winsock 2 to work. To
see whether you already have it or not, you may want to check version of
winsock.dll located in your %windir%. If it is 4.00.950, you've got Winsock
1, Winsock 2 is 4.10.1656 (at least at my Win95 installation).

I'm not sure, but checking whether your app requires too high version of
winsock (as Francois noted) may also help.

Piotr "Hellrayzer" Dalek

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