Delphi wrote:
> Hello Arno Garrels
> i get the exception EIntOverflow
>> in Line 3842 in ..\vcl32\wsocket.pas

If it is this line "FReadCount := FReadCount + Result;" it's
clear. FReadCount is just an integer. Instead it should be
defined as Int64 in newer compilers. 
If CBuilder 4 supports Int64 (D4 supports it for sure) it could
be changed in WSocket.pas line 786 like this:

    bAllSent            : Boolean;
    FReadCount          : Int64;
    FReadCount          : LongInt;
    FPaused             : Boolean; 

And ~ Line 988:

    property AllSent   : Boolean                    read  bAllSent;
    property ReadCount : Int64                      read  FReadCount;
    property ReadCount : LongInt                    read  FReadCount;
    property RcvdCount : LongInt                    read  GetRcvdCount; 

Please try these UNTESTED! changes and post the result, I'm currently not
sure whether further changes are required.
Compile your project by Option "Build All" once after the changes.

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

> Richard
> Arno Garrels wrote::
>> Richard (Delphi) wrote:
>>> After 2GB the client hang (overflow integer)
>>> why doesn't work the in64-version of the functions in
>>> D7 ?
>> Please post the line number where the exception is being
>> raised. If you don't run the application in the IDE you can
>> compile a debug-version using MadExcept
>> ---
>> Arno Garrels [TeamICS]
> exception EIntOverflow
>> in Line 3842 in ..\vcl32\wsocket.pas
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