Francois PIETTE wrote:
>> Not sure what you mean. The problem is that even if you call
>> ThreadDetach (which is to make the component windowless) you cannot
>> be sure that the component will not allocate another window handle
>> somewhere in the background
>> after that call to ThreadDetach.
> I don't see how the component would create another window handle once
> ThreadDetach has been called: no event will be generated anymore.
> Only the currently executing event will continue execution ans far as
> memory serve me well, no event recreate a window handle.

If so, why do I get this exception? ThreadDetach is executed and property
Handle is set to zero. Nevertheless the exeption is raised. So a window
handle must be allocated after the call to ThreadAttach somewhere. Please
tell me what might be wrong with the very simple code I posted before. 
There's no deadlock, sure. Especially not if you exchange WaitFor by
WaitForSingleObject. Also, as far as I can see entire methode ThreadDetach
is blocking, so the thread shouldn't signal before the handle was set to
zero, right?

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