
> Markus Humm wrote:
>> I've tried the FTPTst Application right now and found out that a PASS
>> is required after a open, it will delete the file then. But why
>> didn't the server tell me in my program and always claimed to have
>> carried out my delete request?
> If authentication is required to issue a command the server should send
> an error code, typically 530.

Okay, will pay attention to it. Is there any short overview of the
FTP-protocols available? Afaik the RFCs are a bit longish I fear.

>> Doesn't really matter, because the put still only works for the second
>> time. 
> No problem here using FtpTst demo and FileZilla server.
>> As I noticed he tries to open a binary connection although I
>> left "binary mode" unchecked.
> In order to set transfer mode you must set property BinaryMode to TRUE
> as well as issue command TypeSet to send the transfer type command to
> the server. Same when switching back to ascii except property BinaryMode
> must be set to FALSE before issuing the TypeSet command.   

Okay, didn't know that. Will try out that typeset command. But why has
FtpCli a property for transfer mode then anyway?
>> What's happening here? I'll need a
>> binary transfer later, but not at this time.
>> Why the need of a 2nd put? Why does the first one fail? Is it my
>> FTPServer?
> Very unlikely, try to upload with FtpTst demo first. If that works
> the problem should be in your code.

I've tried that and the very same happens here!
I'll try the mentioned things above (might take some days) and report back.



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