> --- QUOTE: Arno Garrels
> This is untested code. Also FThreadList has to be
> made public. Note that OnMessage would fire in
> different thread contexts but a single handler for
> all is fine. Hope this helps.
> --- END.
> I'll look into it.
> --- QUOTE: Arno Garrels
> I think it isn't very fast, I tested once with some
> stress clients and many concurrent connections
> successfully over many hours until that point it
> looked stable. In any case I won't use
> multi-threading if not absolutely necessary, simply
> because it's easier to code and to debug.
> TWSocketServer can handle many hundreds of concurrent
> connections in a single thread.
> --- END.
> Then I'm wondering if I should use TWSocketServer
> instead.  Pardon my ignorance, as I haven't used the
> server components before and generally ignore any
> messages about them on this list, but would you (or
> Francois) say that its performance is good while
> handling potentially hundreds of concurrent
> connections?  In actually, I don't expect my service
> application to serve more than 100 to 200 concurrent
> connections (and that's in an extreme case, perhaps
> once a month for a few hours).
>   Thanks for all your help.
>    -dZ.


If you do not want the ability to use multi-cores for communication threads,
then async is the way to go. But IMO, it is an ill design since chipmakers
are talking about 64-core CPUs and 10Gbps networks.

Best Regards,

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