On Oct 16, 2007, at 07:35, Ana Onarres wrote:

> I am using the TWSocketServer and have seen the examples. I have 2 
> doubts:
>  - It is necesary to create the ClientThread and TThrdSrvClient. In 
> the first one, I put the code for receiving data for client, send the 
> server and then send data that are sended for server. I don't see 
> clear the function of TThrdSrvClient. Can you explain me?

TThrdSrvClient is only available in TWSocketThrdServer (the 
multi-threaded version), not TWSocketServer (the single-thread 
version).  It seems you are using TWSocketThrdServer, so the rest of my 
comment will assume this.

ClientThread represents the thread which contains the clients.  
TThrdSrvClient is the client itself containing the socket object 
performing the actual TCP communication.  The client objects are not 
TThread objects.  So you have a representation like this:

        TWSocketThrdServer (Socket server)
                |- ClientThread1 (TThread object)
                |               |- Client1 (TThrdSrvClient)
                |               |- Client2
                |               |- Client3
                |- ClientThread2
                |               |- Client1

By default, each ClientThread contains only one client at a time (one 
thread per client), but this is configurable via the ClientsPerThread 
(or something like that) property.  So, whenever a new client connects, 
if  the last ClientThread created already contains its maximum amount 
of clients (default: 1), then a new ClientThread is created to hold 
this client.  In this way you could have each thread hold, say, 10 
clients each.  Recall that TWSocket is ultimately asynchroneous and 
event-driven, so it can handle multiple clients on a single thread.

> - In the event ClientDataAvailable, the client receive data. In this 
> case, the data can to come the socketserver and the client. Do I use 
> the Sender for distinguishing?

ClientDataAvailable is triggered in the context of the ClientThread; 
that is, it triggers when Client data is received.  The SocketServer 
data, when received, triggers OnDataAvailable.  So you have two 
different methods:

        TWSocketThrdServer.OnDataAvailable       => Server's data
        TWSocketThrdServer.OnClientDataAvailable => Client's data

The OnClientDataAvailable event contains a reference to the actual 
Client object that received the data.  The Sender will represent the 
ClientThread which owns that client.

        I hope this is clear,

        DZ-Jay [TeamICS]

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