Hello again....

I realy don't know why, but on a different machine there is this buffering
with unchanged source code NOT. Maybe its my virusscanner or something
like this... Sorry for any convenience 
<ende?lp=ende&p=thMx..&search=convenience> this may cause...

Markus Mueller
> Hi ICS Mailinglist,
> I use the V6 Rev1 ICS TWSocket and have a issue with buffering somewhere in
> ICS and/or Winsock.
> On localhost or in my local LAN, if I have there a stream to my ICS 
> Server which
> just "pushes" data, like the DATA-TCP Connection of ftp, then all data 
> is sent just
> in some seconds with a amazing transferrate and is buffered somewhere. I 
> can see
> via Breakpoint hat the data is then received by the function
> {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
> * *}
> function WSocket_Synchronized_recv(s: TSocket; var Buf: TWSocketData; 
> len, flags: Integer): Integer;
> begin
>     if @FRecv= nil then
>         @FRecv := WSocketGetProc('recv');
>     Result := FRecv(s, Buf^, len, flags);
> end;
> {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
> * *}
> of ICS. Cause FRecv is the Winsock "recv" Function, wich is NOT from 
> ICS, so I
> think it must be something inside of Windows and/or Winsock that causes this
> problem. Does anybody have an idear what here does Buffer Megabytes of TCP
> Data? Any idear why I can prevent it from that? I investigated the 
> Source, and it
> is NOT a problem of the "TCustomWSocket.ASyncReceive" function!
> The problem with this is, that if I make FTP over my Proxyserver (= ICS 
> Server) the
> FTP Clients runs into a timeout: For the FTP Client it looks that all 
> data arrived and
> the positive Answer is missing, but all the Data is just in some local 
> buffer...
> My Goal is to slow down the connection via "TWSocket.pause;". But if I 
> do this
> I just don't get further data from the big Buffer of Winsock.... The 
> data is in it
> if I want or not.
> Thanks for any help!
> Regards,
> Markus Mueller

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