Francois PIETTE wrote:
>> Turned out to be more work than initially planned.
>> Maybe we should create a svn branch for it?
> What makes you think another branch would be useful ?

Better testing before it's finally commited to the main 
branch. I did some general cleanup including removal of
all old conditional code. Winsock.pas can no longer be used
so I provide a custom version (v2) in OverbyteIcsWinsock.pas.
That means a semi-breaking change, since instead of including
winsock.pas, projects have to include/use OverbyteIcsWinsock.pas.
I also moved all stuff that is needed to load the libraries 
to OverbyteIcsWinsock.pas. The Interface and Implemaéntation 
section(s) of OverbyteIcsWinsock.pas are .inc files for
cleaner and easier crossplattform support.
I'm now implementing your idea to prevent the type change
of field "sin" however that also means plenty of "ifs and thens"
FTP also still not supporting IPv6 and most likely I overlooked
some required changes. Broadcasting is replaced in IPv6 by
Multicasting (I'm not very familiar with this stuff) however
seems to require another API to deal with interfaces.

Arno Garrels
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