Thanks Angus,
Now I understand you perfectly :)
Thank you very much for the help and for being pation.
I will continue from here and see how forward I can go.

Best regards

-----Original Message----- From: Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 4:41 PM To: Subject: Re: [twsocket] SslWSocketServer Send and receive
I unfortunately can't get anything out of it because I am not that good to understand and do right away what you are telling.

You should first run two or more instances of the EXE demo in Magenta
Systems IP Log Streaming Component I referred before, one as client, one
as server, they will show sending packets to each other without even
opening Delphi.
Then look at the source code for the EXE demo and you will see one method
to send a packet (a line of text), one event to receive a packet (that
line).  You copy code from that demo and the core of your application is
running in 30 minutes without needing to understand any more about
TWSocket, or be concerned about onDataAvailable or such low level events.

Note the logger component does not use SSL, but SSL is something you can
add to your project much later, when you have a hundred more important
things working properly.  And once you have read the SSL book and fully
understand certificates, which is not trivial or for beginners.
I am just a beginner and the things you explain me to do aren't that simple for me to do if there aren't any samples.

We have pointed out several examples already.
You also need to think about the hardware requirements to develop and
test your project, you will needs multiple PCs or at least multiple VMs
on one PC to test anything properly.  The server PCs will need domain
names, with SSL certificates generated for them.  I had eight PCs when I
was developing an identical project.  Don't expect to test this on end
user PCs.

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