Hi All, I have done a cbuilder translation of Mr. Mestdagh's SpocketSpy program. But, I have a problem. When I run the program and try to connect with a server, I get this immediate error:
"An unknown response was received in response to a request for information from the news server 'SocketSpyC++ Local TCP Proxy'" Under the details button of the error dialog, I get: SocketSpyC++ Local TCP Proxy Configuration: Account: SocketSpyC++ Local TCP Proxy Server: Protocol: NNTP Port: 119 Secure(SSL): 0 Code: 800ccca0 I don't have any idea what the problem is. First, while trying to debug, I put a popup messagebox at the end of the WSocketServerClientConnect procedure to take a look at a variable. What I discovered was that messagebox being open allowed the program to actually connect and go further before error. After that, I replaced the messagebox with an Application->ProcessMessages() loop as a test. I was amazed that after that, the program ran completely and reliably--everytime. It works just great, but I haven't tried more than 1 connection because of the ProcessMessages loop. Though the loop has been helpful, I doubt it is the appropriate fix for this. I'm wondering if this problem is somehow related to changes made to cbuilder in the 2007 edition I'm using. I have already discovered and fixed 2 other problems related to the 2007 upgrade. I'm using Vista64. My source code is included below. I hope you'll forgive me if I have included too much code. My program is 257 lines. Please have a look. Regards, Richard Christman https://www.quicksilvermail.net socketwins.h: //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- #ifndef socketwinsH #define socketwinsH //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- #include <Classes.hpp> #include <Controls.hpp> #include <StdCtrls.hpp> #include <Forms.hpp> #include "OverbyteIcsWndControl.hpp" #include "OverbyteIcsWSocket.hpp" #include "OverbyteIcsWSocketS.hpp" #include <ComCtrls.hpp> //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- class TSocketWin : public TForm { __published: // IDE-managed Components TRichEdit *TCPLog; TStatusBar *StatusBar; TEdit *RemoteAddr; TLabel *Label3; TEdit *RemotePort; TLabel *Label2; TEdit *LocalPort; TLabel *Label1; TButton *ListenBtn; TWSocketServer *WSocketServer; void __fastcall WSocketServerClientConnect(TObject *Sender, TWSocketClient *Client, WORD Error); void __fastcall WSocketServerClientDisconnect(TObject *Sender, TWSocketClient *Client, WORD Error); void __fastcall WSocketServerSessionClosed(TObject *Sender, WORD Error); void __fastcall ListenBtnClick(TObject *Sender); private: // User declarations void __fastcall BgException(TObject *Sender, Exception *E, bool &CanClose); void __fastcall ClientDataAvailable(TObject *Sender, WORD Error); void __fastcall RemoteSessionConnected(TObject *Sender, WORD Error); void __fastcall RemoteDataAvailable(TObject *Sender, WORD Error); void __fastcall RemoteSessionClosed(TObject *Sender, WORD Error); void __fastcall RemoteDnsLookupDone(TObject *Sender, WORD Error); public: // User declarations bool cancel; TStrings *log; __fastcall TSocketWin(TComponent* Owner); __fastcall virtual ~TSocketWin(); void __fastcall Log(AnsiString Msg); }; class TClient : public TWSocketClient { public: AnsiString rcvd; TWSocket *remote; __fastcall TClient(TComponent *Owner); __fastcall virtual ~TClient(); }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- extern PACKAGE TSocketWin *SocketWin; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- #endif socketwins.cpp: //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- #include <vcl.h> #pragma hdrstop #include "socketwins.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- #pragma package(smart_init) #pragma link "OverbyteIcsWndControl" #pragma link "OverbyteIcsWSocket" #pragma link "OverbyteIcsWSocketS" #pragma resource "*.dfm" TSocketWin *SocketWin; const AnsiString lineend = "\r\n"; const bool linemode = true; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- __fastcall TSocketWin::TSocketWin(TComponent* Owner) : TForm(Owner) { log = TCPLog->Lines; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- __fastcall TSocketWin::~TSocketWin() { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- void __fastcall TSocketWin::ListenBtnClick(TObject *Sender) { if (ListenBtn->Tag == 0) { NNTPLog->Clear(); WSocketServer->Banner = "Welcome to OverByte ICS TcpSrv"; WSocketServer->BannerTooBusy = "Sorry, too many connections!"; WSocketServer->ClientClass = __classid(TClient); WSocketServer->Port = LocalPort->Text; WSocketServer->Addr = ""; WSocketServer->Listen(); LocalPort->Enabled = false; RemotePort->Enabled = false; RemoteAddr->Enabled = false; ListenBtn->Caption = "Cancel"; ListenBtn->Tag = 1; cancel = false; } else { cancel = true; for (int i = 0; i < WSocketServer->ClientCount; i++) WSocketServer->Client[i]->Close(); WSocketServer->Close(); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- void __fastcall TSocketWin::WSocketServerClientConnect(TObject *Sender, TWSocketClient *Client, WORD Error) { if (Error) { Log("Error at WSocketServerClientConnect: " + IntToStr(Error)); return; } Log("Remote connection opened"); TClient *client = dynamic_cast<TClient*>(Client); assert(client != NULL); client->rcvd = ""; client->OnBgException = BgException; client->OnDataAvailable = ClientDataAvailable; client->LineMode = linemode; client->LineEnd = lineend; client->remote = new TWSocket(client); client->remote->Port = RemotePort->Text; client->remote->LineMode = linemode; client->remote->LineEnd = lineend; client->remote->OnBgException = BgException; client->remote->OnSessionConnected = RemoteSessionConnected; client->remote->OnDataAvailable = RemoteDataAvailable; client->remote->OnSessionClosed = RemoteSessionClosed; client->remote->OnDnsLookupDone = RemoteDnsLookupDone; client->remote->DnsLookup(RemoteAddr->Text); StatusBar->Panels->Items[1]->Text = WSocketServer->ClientCount; StatusBar->Panels->Items[3]->Text = client->GetPeerAddr(); while (!cancel && !Application->Terminated) Application->ProcessMessages(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- void __fastcall TSocketWin::WSocketServerClientDisconnect(TObject *Sender, TWSocketClient *Client, WORD Error) { if (Error) { Log("Error at WSocketServerClientDisconnect: " + IntToStr(Error)); return; } int clientcount = WSocketServer->ClientCount; StatusBar->Panels->Items[1]->Text = IntToStr(clientcount - 1); if (clientcount > 1) StatusBar->Panels->Items[3]->Text = WSocketServer->Client[clientcount - 2]->GetPeerAddr(); else StatusBar->Panels->Items[3]->Text = ""; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- void __fastcall TSocketWin::WSocketServerSessionClosed(TObject *Sender, WORD Error) { LocalPort->Enabled = true; RemotePort->Enabled = true; RemoteAddr->Enabled = true; ListenBtn->Caption = "Listen"; ListenBtn->Tag = 0; cancel = true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- void __fastcall TSocketWin::BgException(TObject *Sender, Exception *e, bool &CanClose) { Log("Exception occured: the error reported was: " + e->Message); CanClose = true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- void __fastcall TSocketWin::ClientDataAvailable(TObject *Sender, WORD Error) { if (Error) { Log("Error at ClientDataAvailable: " + IntToStr(Error)); return; } TClient *client = dynamic_cast<TClient*>(Sender); assert(client != NULL); client->rcvd += client->ReceiveStr(); if (client->remote->State == wsConnected && client->rcvd != "") { client->remote->SendStr(client->rcvd); Log("> " + client->rcvd); client->rcvd = ""; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- void __fastcall TSocketWin::RemoteDataAvailable(TObject *Sender, WORD Error) { if (Error) { Log("Error at RemoteDataAvailable: " + IntToStr(Error)); return; } TWSocket *remote = dynamic_cast<TWSocket*>(Sender); TClient *client = dynamic_cast<TClient*>(remote->Owner); assert(client != NULL); AnsiString rcvd = remote->ReceiveStr(); if (rcvd != "") { if (client->State == wsConnected) { client->SendStr(rcvd); Log("< " + rcvd); } else { Log("Error: Local has closed"); remote->CloseDelayed(); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- void __fastcall TSocketWin::RemoteSessionConnected(TObject *Sender, WORD Error) { if (Error) { Log("Error at RemoteSessionConnected: " + IntToStr(Error)); return; } Log("Remote connection opened"); TWSocket *remote = dynamic_cast<TWSocket*>(Sender); TClient *client = dynamic_cast<TClient*>(remote->Owner); assert(client != NULL); if (client->rcvd != "") { remote->SendStr(client->rcvd); client->rcvd = ""; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- void __fastcall TSocketWin::RemoteSessionClosed(TObject *Sender, WORD Error) { if (Error) { Log("Error at RemoteSessionClosed: " + IntToStr(Error)); return; } TClient *client = dynamic_cast<TClient*>(((TWSocket*)Sender)- >Owner); assert(client != NULL); client->Shutdown(1); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- void __fastcall TSocketWin::RemoteDnsLookupDone(TObject *Sender, WORD Error) { if (Error) { Log("Error at RemoteDnsLookupDone: " + IntToStr(Error)); return; } TWSocket *remote = dynamic_cast<TWSocket*>(Sender); assert(remote != NULL); remote->Addr = remote->DnsResult; remote->Connect(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- void __fastcall TSocketWin::Log(AnsiString Msg) { while (Msg.Length() && Msg[Msg.Length()] == '\n' || Msg[Msg.Length()] == '\r') Msg.Delete(Msg.Length(), 1); log->Add(Msg); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- // TClient //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- __fastcall TClient::TClient(TComponent *Owner) : TWSocketClient(Owner) { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- __fastcall TClient::~TClient() { remote->CloseDelayed(); delete remote; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- -- To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list please goto http://lists.elists.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/twsocket Visit our website at http://www.overbyte.be