Any other suggestions. I tried everything I can think of

Restart everuthing from scratch.
First remove all files related to ICS from your harddisk, everywhere on your hard disk, including pas, dpr, dfm, dsk, cfg, res, dcu, dcp, and bpl files. Remove ICS packages from the IDE (components / install component / packages and REMOVE all ICS packages you can find). Then use Tortoise or any other subversion client to download the latest ICS-V7 from the version control system repository at svn:// or (usercode and paswword are both "ics"). Then start Delphi, and open <installdir>/ics/trunk/install/D2007Install.grouproj. Rebuild the runtime package, rebuild the design time package, install the design time package. Add <installdir>/ics/trunk/delphi/vc32 directory to Delphi search path (in the IDE options). Then open the sample projectgroup: <installdir>/ics/trunk/delphi/internet/OverbyteIcsD2007Sam.grouproj and rebuild all samples.
This has to work ! If not, reinstall Delphi 2007 and start again.

The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

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