Lars Gehre wrote:
> I noticed one thing: This only happens if files are involved, for
> virtual documents it does not happen.

I cannot reproduce it, 0.0% CPU here.
I used the OverbyteIcsWebServ demo running on a Win7 quadcore.
However if I download a file with Firefox (100 Mbit/s LAN)
at around 6 MB/s CPU 0 uses ~25-30% and CPU 2 8-15%, overall
usage of the server process ~8-10% reported by Process Explorer.

Arno Garrels

> For the http server demo it means you need to open
> Index.html or Form.html.
> Lars
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Lars Gehre
>> Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 11:21 AM
>> To: 'ICS support mailing'
>> Subject: [twsocket] HTTP Server creates extremly high CPU load
>> Hello all,
>> I have a serious problem with the http server component from
>> ICS7 (downloaded from the repository last week).
>> I'm using the wininet api on the client side to open a (GET)
>> connection to a ICS http Server.
>> For certain reasons I need to query the HEAD in intervals
>> (while the other get is still in progress).
>> As soon as I send the second request the CPU load of the http
>> server maxes out one CPU core.
>> Steps to reproduce:
>> - Run the http server demo from ics.
>> - Download the demo
>> source (delphi 7)
>> - Run the demo, enter the url of the demo server and press the
>> button. 
>> - As soon as the call to GetFileSize is finished you see the
>> CPU load of the webserver going up.
>> I checked it on two windows 7 (multicore) machines with the
>> same result.
>> I also checked it against several other http servers and none
>> of them had a problem with this kind of usage.
>> Thanks
>> Lars
>> --
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