Hi all,

I've been using ICS for a long time, in different environments and on different machines without problems. Now I've stumbled upon a problem of which at the moment I don't know how to find a solution for. It's regarding a snippet which sens data using UDP.
The relevant code boils down to:

  with TWSocket.Create(nil) do
   Proto := 'udp';
   Port := some port;
   Addr := some ip;
   SendStr('some data');

Very simple, and works great.

Now on two machines we have an issue while using this code. The call to Close() will block for 4 to 6 seconds if:
- I'm sending to an IP address within my own subnet
- There is no actual PC at that IP (doesn't have to be running a UDP server, just a PC with that ip address).

I've tried with different NIC's, and now I have a NIC on USB, which gives this problem on the 2 machines mentioned before (Win 7 Pro SP1), but do not have the same issue on another machine (Win 7 Pro SP1).

Obviously there is something with these two machines, but I'd like to know what is causing this to give me some control over it. These are brand new machines, firewall is disabled and all pre installed software is removed. I also have a support call at the manufacturer, but since there is not much promising result from them I'm hoping anyone here can give me a pointer in the right direction.

Thanks and regards!


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