> twsocket-boun...@elists.org schrieb am 21.07.2011 09:44:43:
> Re: [twsocket] TWSocket OnSessionAvailable problem
> Arno Garrels
> an:
> ICS support mailing
> 21.07.2011 09:45
> Gesendet von:
> twsocket-boun...@elists.org
> Yes, please use ICSv7 and if possible TWSocketServer.
> Then try to include "wsoNoReceiveLoop" in the ComponentOptions
> of the TWSocketClient instances. Also try to assign a greater
> value to property ListenBackLog of the TWSocketServer component.
> And of course avoid any lengthy blocking tasks since they also
> delay/block acceptance of new connections (though buffered by
> winsock thru the ListenBackLogQueue).
> Did that work?

With ICSv7 and "wsoNoReceiveLoop" ComponentOption set, all my problems are
Thanks a lot especially for the very fast answers.
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