Much progress since I last wrote... thank you Good People at TWSocket 
for breaking down some of the brick walls for me!

>From previous work with ICS, I have a small program, a lightly 
adapted version of the ICS HttpTst.

And I've further refined my grasp of how to properly phrase my 
question. I'm now pretty sure that it is a TCP/IP client I am trying 
to create. The PCSensor device I want to interact with will be the 
server. Not a WEB server, not a TELNET server, but still a server, if 
only a simple one.

HttpTst, and the program I derived from it, as I understand things, 
sends a "proper" HTTP "Get" to the system of your choice. (In another 
application, I've got it doing that, fetching a web page from a WEB 

When I use that program to try to access the PCSensor device, I do 
get somewhere... but the PCSensor device isn't a WEB server.. it 
does, so the mfg claims, and so my researches seem to indicate, 
"talk" TCP... but doesn't run to responding to HTML (or Telnet). (The 
mfg has, by the way, sent some useful information. Several mysteries 
solved, several guesses confirmed.)

For my PCSensor needs, as far as I can see, I need to simplify 
considerably what my PC sends to the PCSensor device. Instead of 
sending what it does now, e.g.....

GET / HTTP/1.0
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
Connection: Keep-Alive
Accept-Language: en, fr
User-Agent: Mozilla/3.0 (compatible)

.... to the target server, I need to send just two bytes, 0xBB and 

I've looked into the HttpTst code, and found the bit...

            Display('GET Failed !');.....

I think it is the HttpCli1.Get; that sends the "fancy" block of text 
quoted above?

Is there a simple way to get the program to send just the two bytes I 
need sent? I'm hoping that maybe there's a lower level method in 
HttpCli with which I can send individual characters? Or maybe I need 
to first fill a buffer, and then call a "Send contents of buffer" 
method? Or am I going about this all wrong? If I just want to send 
short strings of bytes, is there a better starting point?

If I understand things properly, once the device I am sending things 
to receives, say, BB 83, it then sends back a short string... nothing 
as fancy as a block of HTML... back to the device which sent the 
short string. I will need to access that.

(In the other program I already have working, I have figured out how 
to access the text in the HTML that comes back from the web server I 
am accessing, so there is hope that you won't have to tell me how to 
do EVERY step of this project...)


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