Angus, Wilfried...

Many thanks!

> You need to develop a simple TCP client program using TWSocket...

Thank you for pointing me at the right demo to work from.... Oh! And 
in looking around for that, I found the link "Click here for a primer 
text about TCP..." Apologies, everyone, for not seeing that before 

Would the demo "Client5: A basic client program using TWSocket 
component." seem to you who know like an alternative good starting 
point for my efforts?

> Using HTTP components is totally wrong.  

Thank you... It is a relief to learn I don't need to fight that 
particular fight at this stage. What a newbie does NOT need to worry 
about is almost as helpful as what IS needed!

> Your box is almost certainly both a web server and a telnet 

Because that's how most things are made? This is a wonder out of 
China, remember.

Not to argue with the experts, but just some of the tests I did that 
made me think, hmm... maybe not "the usual" here...

Pointed my browser at got "can't connect... and 
yet SmartSniff sees communication to and from there... across two 
sockets, if I use the mfg's software... which "works"... it just 
doesn't do the things I want to!

ping gets replies
ping 5200 says "could not find host on..."


I can get into Telnet, but

o 5200 fails, as does

The first hangs the DOS window, the latter comes back promptly with 
"Could not open connection..."

(I set the IP address, and got the config data with the mfg's 

> Telnet simply means lines of data to and from the server, and is 
the basis of HTTP, FTP, SMTP and the rest.  Those protocols simply 
use a different port to 'telnet' but the same textual interaction.  

Helpful, thank you... I stuggle... but I learn!

> If, using a telnet client, you don't get an open connection on port 
> 5200, there is a deeper problem.  

When I described my Telnet experiences, I was talking about using the 
bog standard DOS "telnet" command, inside a Windows "command", or 
"DOS" window.

"Deeper problem"... happily, the device DOES seem to "work" 
consistently under the mfg's software...

I'll go away and study the latest advice, and dig into some stuff 
someone else has kindly sent off-list.... and hopefully announce 
SUCCESS... or at least come back with better(?) questions?? I am a 
lot more clear on the issues that I was when I started... thank you 
all for your help! I knew that promoting ICS at my Delphi tutorials 
all these years was Right Thinking.  TK Boyd's site with
freeware and shareware for kids, parents, schools... and others.
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