>I have a client ftp component written using ICS and a server component also
using ICS - everything 
>was grand up to about 2 weeks ago, when the client ftp was sending a SITE
EXEC <progname> to 
>the server - now that command never even gets >received (and therefore
never executes).  
> This smells of anti-virus or something but it is just the SITE EXEC that
does not work - everything else is fine.

Use a sniffer - such as the free WireShark - see if it is a client side or
server side issue. Using the sniffer, you'll see if the client correctly
send the request or not. Then we may help you debug the client or server.

The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

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