Hello, I have a application with THttpCli posting data to a server in HTTPS. Normally I have to get back a little data and a statuscode 201. Certainly it won't work anymore. Here is nothing changed (only the internet provider and a faster VDSL line) and provider say it is still working when they test locally.
I set IcsLogger, but I'm not sure what I should conclude from this log. I'm not HTTPS experience :( Can someone say what possible go wrong seeing this log? // This is log from my application, Url and data 5/02/2013 11:44:31 URL: https://api.beopen.belgacom.be/SendSmsService/OneAPI_RES T_v2_0/ui_smpp0/2_0/smsmessaging/outbound/32473803180/requests Data: {"outboundSMSMessageRequest":{"address":["tel:+32477639544"],"outboundSMST extMessage":{"message":"This is a testmessage"},"senderAddress":"32473803180","r eceiptRequest":{"notifyURL":"http:\/\/\/MockRestService\/ rest "},"clientCorrelator":"1"}} // This is log from IcsLogger - State = httpNotConnected - Login api.beopen.belgacom.be - State = httpDnsLookup - State = httpDnsLookupDone - connect to - SessionConnected - State = httpConnected 5/02/2013 11:44:31 Session connected - State = httpWaitingHeader - 6 header lines to send POST /SendSmsService/OneAPI_REST_v2_0/ui_smpp0/2_0/smsmessaging/outbound/3247380 3180/requests HTTP/1.0 Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; ICS) Host: api.beopen.belgacom.be:443 Content-Length: 261 - SendRequest Done - SessionClosed Error: 0 5/02/2013 11:44:31 Session closed - State = httpReady - PrepareNTLMAuth end, FStatusCode = 0 FProxyAuthNTLMState=0 FAuthNTLMState=0 - PrepareNTLMAuth end, FStatusCode = 0 FProxyAuthNTLMState=0 FAuthNTLMState=0 - RequestDone // Again log from my application 5/02/2013 11:44:31 RequestDone, Error: 0, Statuscode: 0 -- mvg, Wilfried http://www.mestdagh.biz http://www.comfortsoftware.be http://www.expertsoftware.be -- To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list please goto http://lists.elists.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/twsocket Visit our website at http://www.overbyte.be