> I get the login data for the login page using "POST" and
> "PostASync", but when doing a GET on the next page that
> should be accessed with the logged in user

Almost certainly cookies, these are not handled internally between
requests, you need to repeat your line:
 HttpCli1.Cookie := IcsCookies.GetCookies(HttpCli1.URL); 

after setting each URL and before making the request, so it's current.

And then actually keep cookies returned by the server, in the OnCookie

procedure TFormWebDown.HttpClientCookie(Sender: TObject; const Data:
string; var Accept: Boolean);
    IcsCookies.SetCookie(Data, (Sender as THttpCli).URL);

So cookies returned by one request will get sent back to the server
with the next request, which is how a session is maintained.  


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