[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
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SEFM 2018: The 16th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal 
will be part of STAF 2018 in Toulouse, France, 27-29 June 2018.

Twitter: @SEFM_conf

SEFM 2018 will feature two exciting keynotes:

*** Mark Harman (Facebook / University College London) ***
We Need a Formal Semantics for Testability Transformation; SEFM community to 
the rescue?

*** Andrzej Wasowski (IT University of Copenhagen) ***
Hunting Resource Manipulation Bugs in Linux Kernel Code


SEFM aims to bring together leading researchers and practitioners from 
academia, industry and government, to advance the state of the art in formal 
methods, to facilitate their uptake in the software industry, and to encourage 
their integration within practical software engineering methods and tools.


The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to, the 
following aspects of software engineering and formal methods:

- Software development methods: requirement analysis, modeling, specification 
and design; light-weight and scalable formal methods; software evolution, 
maintenance, re-engineering and reuse.
- Design principles: programming languages; domain specific languages; type 
theory; abstraction and refinement, correctness-by-construction
- Software verification and testing: model checking, theorem proving and 
decision procedures; verification and validation; probabilistic verification 
and synthesis; testing.
- Functional and non-functional system properties, such as safety-critical, 
fault-tolerant and secure systems; software certification; performance analysis 
and management, resource-constrained computing, energy-aware computing.
- Design principles and analysis techniques for different system paradigms, 
such as self-adaptive, service-oriented and cloud computing systems; 
component-based, object-oriented and multi-agent systems; real-time, hybrid and 
embedded systems; reconfigurable and variant-rich systems, intelligent systems, 
e.g., based on machine learning algorithms
- Application and technology transfer: case studies, best practices and 
experience reports; tool integration; education; HCI, interactive systems and 
human error analysis.

Authors are invited to submit full research papers (up to 15 pages) describing 
original research results, case studies and tools; and short new 
ideas/work-in-progress papers (up to 6 pages) describing new approaches, 
techniques and/or tools that are not fully validated yet. We are planning to 
publish the proceedings in the Formal Methods subline of Springer's LNCS 
series. Papers must be submitted in PDF format at the EasyChair submission site:


Information about all committees can be found at 

Abstract Submission: Friday 23 February 2018
Full Paper Submission: 2 March 2018
Notification: Monday 9 April 2018
Camera ready: Monday 23 April 2018
Conference: 27-29 June 2018

*** CO-CHAIRS ***
Einar Broch Johnsen (University of Oslo, Norway)
Ina Schaefer (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany)

Website: https://www.isf.cs.tu-bs.de/cms/events/sefm2018

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