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DICE 2018
9th Workshop on Developments in Implicit Computational complExity

Thessaloniki, Greece
April 14 - 15, 2018
(a satellite event of ETAPS 2018)


The area of Implicit Computational Complexity (ICC) has grown from
several proposals for using logic and formal methods to provide
languages for complexity-bounded computation (e.g. PTIME, LOGSPACE
computation). Its aim is to study computational complexity without
reference to external measuring conditions or particular machine
models, but only in terms of language restrictions or
logical/computational principles implying complexity properties.

This workshop focuses on ICC methods related to programs (rather than
descriptive methods). In this approach one relates complexity classes
to restrictions on programming paradigms (functional programs, lambda
calculi, rewriting systems), such as ramified recurrence, weak
polymorphic types, linear logic and linear types, and interpretative
measures. The two main objectives of this area are:

* to find natural implicit characterizations of various complexity
  classes of functions, thereby illuminating their nature and
* to design methods suitable for static verification of program

Therefore ICC connects both to the study of complexity classes and to
static program analysis, in particular, resource analysis. With the
aim to more closely bring together researches from these fields, this
year contributions related to program's resource analysis are strongly

The workshop is open to contributions on various aspects of ICC and
resource analysis, including (but not exclusively):

* type systems for controlling/inferring/checking complexity;
* logical and machine-independent characterisations of complexity
* programming languages for complexity-bounded computation;
* logics closely related to complexity classes;
* theoretical foundations of program complexity analysis;
* static resource analysis and practical applications;
* semantics of complexity-bounded computation;
* applications of implicit complexity to security;
* termination and resource analysis for probabilistic programs;
* semantic methods to analyse resources.


Jan Hoffmann (Carnegie Mellon University)
Anupam Das (University of Copenhagen)


Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of up to 5 pages by
7 February, 2018. Abstracts must be written in English and must be
prepared using the LaTeX LIPIcs style template of 2016 (see
http://www.dagstuhl.de/en/publications/lipics). Submissions are
handled via the DICE 2018 EasyChair page:

https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dice2018 .
Submissions will be judged on originality, relevance, interest and
clarity. Accepted abstracts will be presented at the workshop, and
will be made available through the workshop's webpage. It is not
intended to preclude later publication at another venue. Abstracts
can contain material already published elsewhere. Preference will be
given to abstracts containing novel work (including work in progress).


Paper submission: 7 February, 2018 (extended)
Notification: 25 February, 2018
Final versions due: 11 March, 2018
Workshop date: April 14-15, 2018


The workshop will be held as a satellite workshop of the European
Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software 2018 (ETAPS 2018)
which takes place in Thessaloniki, Greece.


Martin Avanzini (France, chair)
Flavien Breuvart (France)
Florian Frohn (Germany)
Cynthia Kop (Netherlands)
Olivier Laurent (France)
Van Chan Ngo (USA)
Romain PĂ©choux (France)
Luca Roversi (Italy)

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