[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

The programming languages group at University of Freiburg, Germany, has 
openings for researchers to work with Prof Peter Thiemann on DFG-funded 
projects. One project deals with inferrable resource typing, where the goal is 
a system that combines Rust-style borrowing and typestate with type inference. 
Session typing is a special instance of the system. The other project develops 
new approaches to infer and verify TypeScript signatures from JavaScript 
sources. Both projects involve a combination of theory (formal models, 
mechanized metatheory, and logics) and practical work (implementation and 
validation by case studies), but the emphasis can be negotiated. 


The salary is according to the TV-L E13 scale of the German public service.

The university of Freiburg aims at increasing the number of female employees 
and thus especially welcomes applications of female candidates.

Applications of disabled candidates will be given priority, depending on their 

Applications in PDF format or informal enquiries by email to 
thiem...@informatik.uni-freiburg.de are welcome. The application deadline is 
June 30, but applications will be considered until the position is filled. The 
starting date is negotiable, but preferably no later than October 1, 2019.

Check out our research webpage 
http://proglang.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/research/ or the DBLP publication 
profile http://dblp.dagstuhl.de/pers/hd/t/Thiemann:Peter for more information.

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