[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Applications are invited for a one-year postdoctoral position, possibly
extendable into a second year, at the University of Minnesota related to an
NSF-funded project entitled "A Higher-Order Framework for Meta-Theoretic
Reasoning." The position is available immediately and reviews of
applications will be conducted as they are received.

The project within which the appointment is to be made concerns the further
development of a logic that incorporates a treatment of fixed-point
definitions and the enhancement of the capabilities of the Abella proof
assistant (see http:\\abella-prover.org) that is based on this logic. One
particular extension to the underlying logic that is being investigated is
the addition of predicate quantification. The research group is also
interested in building into the Abella system the capability to reason
about specifications written in linear logic and dependently typed lambda
calculi, and in demonstrating the benefits of the system in tasks such as
compiler verification.

To be suitable for the position, the candidate should be broadly conversant
with the areas of computational logic and programming languages and should
have the mathematical and programming skills necessary for conducting
research in them. Prior exposure to a proof  assistant or logical framework
such as Coq, Isabelle or Abella, programming experience with a functional
language such as OCaml, an understanding of proof theoretic treatments of
aspects such as induction and co-induction, and familiarity with issues
related to proof search in sequent calculi and other similar logical
systems would be needed for participating in the research at the
appropriate  level. For more details about the necessary background and
possible topics of research within the project, please feel free to contact
me (Gopalan Nadathur) via email at ngopa...@umn.edu.

To view the official announcement for this position, please visit the URL
This link also provides details about how to apply and serves as the portal
for applications. The application process will require you to submit a
letter indicating your interest, a current CV, one or two of your papers
broadly related to the topics of research and the names and contact details
for two references who might be contacted as part of the application review
process. Note that a prerequisite for employment is a doctoral degree in
Computer Science or closely related field.

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