Hello Tania,

> Hi, I'm having problems setting up imagemagick or graphicsmagick in a
> shared
> hosting server (FreeBSD),
> *safe_mode* is on, so it does not find the installation in the
> /usr/local/bin directory.
> I set up disable_exec_function =0 and i also tried to install them in the
> web site root directory with the same user, group and permissions as the
> rest of directories and i chagne the im_path to that one but , I can not
> change *safe_mode or *the *safe_mode_exec_dir .So* install tool keep
> displaying  "It seems that there is no adequate ImageMagick installation
> available at the checked locations (/nonexec, /usr/local/php/bin/)"
> If you have any idea, please let me know.Thanks

Maybe this online documentation may be helpful to you.


Just check it and edit, if something is missing there.
Please use the discussion pages on the wiki if you are not sure about
your intended changes.

- Franz
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