Hi All,

I am having behavior on the backend that I have never seen before, and I have 
not been able to solve the issues it brings.  I'm hoping someone here has 
seen this before and can help me.

The basic problem is that on the backend, when I enter Web->Page(TV) I see the 
normal page tree, and to the right of it all I get is a page preview of the 
selected page.  I have not been able to reset the default so it shows me the 
normal TemplaVoila page editing view, nor can I get to the page editing view 
in any other way.  After fighting with it for a while, I tried clearing the 
database and starting over.  At first everything worked well.  I rebuilt my 
template in TV and continued my work.  At some point, the issue returned, and 
I again was unable to get Web->Page(TV) to work properly.  At that point I 
decided to totally reinstall everything and start with a fresh database.  
Again, things seemed normal for a while, till I noticed Web->Page(TV) again 
was only displaying a page preview.

I have never been able to nail down what I do that shifts Web-Page(TV) from 
showing the page tree and page editing view to showing the page tree and page 
preview.  In all cases, it happened well after TV was set up with a 
functioning template, and well after I had made my last changes to the system 
setup.  Any ideas are very much appreciated.

I have done quite a bit of googling, reading, consulting the local Typo3 guru, 
etc, and have not been able to solve it.

Here is my setup:

Typo3 4.1.2 on Ubuntu 7.04

Realurl Configurator
RealURL Management

I'm happy to provide any additional information that could be helpful.


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