I also had this happen for a very brief time but then the behavior just 
*went away* for some reason.  I am beginning to wonder if this problem is an 
issue with the core.  Has anyone else had this trouble?

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Hi All,
> I am having behavior on the backend that I have never seen before, and I 
> have
> not been able to solve the issues it brings.  I'm hoping someone here has
> seen this before and can help me.
> The basic problem is that on the backend, when I enter Web->Page(TV) I see 
> the
> normal page tree, and to the right of it all I get is a page preview of 
> the
> selected page.  I have not been able to reset the default so it shows me 
> the
> normal TemplaVoila page editing view, nor can I get to the page editing 
> view
> in any other way.  After fighting with it for a while, I tried clearing 
> the
> database and starting over.  At first everything worked well.  I rebuilt 
> my
> template in TV and continued my work.  At some point, the issue returned, 
> and
> I again was unable to get Web->Page(TV) to work properly.  At that point I
> decided to totally reinstall everything and start with a fresh database.
> Again, things seemed normal for a while, till I noticed Web->Page(TV) 
> again
> was only displaying a page preview.
> I have never been able to nail down what I do that shifts Web-Page(TV) 
> from
> showing the page tree and page editing view to showing the page tree and 
> page
> preview.  In all cases, it happened well after TV was set up with a
> functioning template, and well after I had made my last changes to the 
> system
> setup.  Any ideas are very much appreciated.
> I have done quite a bit of googling, reading, consulting the local Typo3 
> guru,
> etc, and have not been able to solve it.
> Here is my setup:
> Typo3 4.1.2 on Ubuntu 7.04
> Extensions:
> Realurl Configurator
> RealURL Management
> TemplaVoila!
> I'm happy to provide any additional information that could be helpful.
> Cheers,
> James 

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