On 9/23/07, Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> Christopher Torgalson wrote:
> > Dmitry please stop this.
> Nope. No one cancelled this:
> http://typo3.org/1438.0.html
> So if someone do not behave according to this, I am free to choose my own 
> policy against.

No, nobody cancelled anything. But look at it again please--as both
Ries and I have pointed out, the list rules request 'real' names. This
is quite different from what you're insisting that people provide.

This is not about people somehow slighting you or the community by
refusing to reveal their full names as you seem to believe--it is
about you radically misconstruing the meaning and purpose of a simple
request in the list rules, and refusing, for no good reason, to
consider other users' circumstances and the perfectly legitimate (and
/private/) reasons they may have for not wanting to expose their full
names on these lists.

Again, it's fine for you to answer questions or not--your time is your
own. What I take exception to is you representing your absurdly rigid
interpretation of this particular request as the final judgment of the
community--because, again, the rule you so often cite does not say
what you claim it says, and the list membership is in no way served by
your hostile interpretation of it.

Christopher Torgalson
TYPO3-english mailing list

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