On 9/24/07, Troels Kjær Rasmussen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Of course people can "spoof" all sorts of names, but credability in the
> community only goes so and so far and we will often never see the same
> people not contributing like others (e.g. Dimitri) due to an unsincere
> and false (+ often crappy and likewise unsincere business-) approach to
> the system and the community sorrounding it.
> I agree that people can have valid reasons not to use realnames (e.g.
> Slobodan Milosevic a.s.o.), but theres a clear difference in using a
> "realistic" realname by which you want to be known by the community and
> using e.g. FreshPrinzeOfBelAir a.s.o. - I just can´t take a name like
> that seriuosly

No problems with this--though not /everybody/ who doesn't use their
full name is an accused [and dead] war-criminal ;-)


Christopher Torgalson
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