JoH asenau wrote:
>> What I take exception to is you representing your absurdly rigid
>> interpretation of this particular request as the final judgment of the
>> community--because, again, the rule you so often cite does not say
>> what you claim it says, and the list membership is in no way served by
>> your hostile interpretation of it.
> Actually it is no rule.
> There are different sections for thisparticular page and Names are listed
> under "Suggestions ...". And I guess this suggestion's goal was to get rid
> of stuff like bikini-girl89 or |-bEaTMaStAz-|

Upon seeing Dimitry's reference to the URL, I read it as well and I 
concur with your differentiation between "rule" and "suggestion." I 
wonder, too, whether this content requires updating since I noticed 
something else under "Finally... please remember 2 points...":

 >"None of the TYPO3 lists are moderated..."

Really? Not moderated? Well, maybe not by filtering posts beforehand, 
but there is (or at least was) very much a live moderator within.

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