>> Is there a documentation TEAM which means people who's ONLY 
>> responsibility would be to look and coordinate the documentation?
> There was. I do not remember who was it leader but no one from key core 
> people answered to his questions and he quit in protest. He was really 
> good in doc writing. I think doc team ceased to exist after that. This 
> was before I joined core team but I followed the story in 
> typo3.teams.docunmentation list.

Maybe that was me...? I wasn't the official leader, but the 
last(?) one trying to get things done, before Daniel showed up.

We started structuring the wiki but never got acess to the 
"real" documentation or the web pages. So basically the only 
thing we could do was producing more documents - not improving 
or merging with exisisting ones.

That was/is a problem I think, because if you browse around at 
the wiki and web pages you see that there IS much documentation 
about most things in Typo3. But it can be hard to find and it 
could be hard to know what is right / up-to-date since different 
documents could contain NEARLY the same information. Just look 
here to see what I mean (the Introduction header):

I quit my documentation effort because I/we were not able to 
take ALL documentation into consideration AND we where not 
"authorazied" to do any changes except on the wiki. Under those 
conditions I belive there can't be any improvements on Typo3 
documentation... even if we have a great docTeam/docTeamLeader.  :-(

All my toughts about T3doc is still availiable (and free to use) 
at:  http://www.infolagret.se/index.php?id=95
Look in the Documentation menu, the other pages are written in 
swedish ;-)

/Peter Kindström
TYPO3-english mailing list

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