
Peter Kindström wrote:
>> There was. I do not remember who was it leader but no one from key 
>> core people answered to his questions and he quit in protest. He was 
>> really good in doc writing. I think doc team ceased to exist after 
>> that. This was before I joined core team but I followed the story in 
>> typo3.teams.docunmentation list.
> Maybe that was me...? I wasn't the official leader, but the last(?) one 
> trying to get things done, before Daniel showed up.

Yes, I think so :) I remember you was referred as de-facto leader of the group 
:) And everyone was sorry that you quit but no one could really help.

> We started structuring the wiki but never got acess to the "real" 
> documentation or the web pages. So basically the only thing we could do 
> was producing more documents - not improving or merging with exisisting 
> ones.
> That was/is a problem I think, because if you browse around at the wiki 
> and web pages you see that there IS much documentation about most things 
> in Typo3. But it can be hard to find and it could be hard to know what 
> is right / up-to-date since different documents could contain NEARLY the 
> same information. Just look here to see what I mean (the Introduction 
> header):
>   http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/Getting_started
> I quit my documentation effort because I/we were not able to take ALL 
> documentation into consideration AND we where not "authorazied" to do 
> any changes except on the wiki. Under those conditions I belive there 
> can't be any improvements on Typo3 documentation... even if we have a 
> great docTeam/docTeamLeader.  :-(
> All my toughts about T3doc is still availiable (and free to use) at:  
> http://www.infolagret.se/index.php?id=95
> Look in the Documentation menu, the other pages are written in swedish ;-)

Thanks for the story, Peter! I am really sad that it happened, I feel we lost a 
lot when you decided to quit. But I understand your feelings. I hope situation 
is changing now. There is typo3.org team and most people understand the 
necessity of good docs. So you may come back some time in the future :) It 
would be really great :)

I would love to hear from you or doc team how a developer (me to be exact) can 
help to rewrite such document as FTB? How this work can be organized/divided? I 
cannot imagine it :( I am quite sure I can get hold of FTB ownership from 
Kasper, so we really can update it.

May be I should sucscribe to doc team list again ;)

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 core team
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