Hi Francois,

First of all :

 > We can discuss further on Thursday if you like ;-)

Sure, I'm looking forward this meeting.

> Short answer is: the DAM is not dead.
> The longer answer is that it sure went through a period of stasis when 
> René Fritz left the community altogether. After a while the development 
> was picked up by a bunch of people who are doing their best (being 
> volunteers like all of us) to patch the most important bugs and more 

Where may I find names? Because TER always refers to René Fritz as 
author and as such it's not easy to find out who to contact in case of 
very specific questions. For instance, in my case I would like to get a 
better documentation for dam_indexing:


I may take time and understand why it does not work on my server and 
then enhance the official documentation but how should I do it if the 
"author" is not here anymore? Does it mean nobody is entitled to update 
the extension? Who may I take contact with to actually contribute?

> generally move the DAM forward again. The pace may seem slow at times, 
> but at least things are moving and the DAM is not left in dead water 
> anymore. About the lack of information I realised that not so many 
> people seem to be using the DAM. Obviously the fact that the development 

That's true. There's limitations and bugs you and others found but the 
main issue is that it lacks good documentation.

> was more or less stopped scared a lot away. As far as I'm concerned my 
> company is using it in 3 major projects and it's working fine except for 
> one big issue in relation with workspaces, which was fixed by Kasper in 
> the upcoming 4.2.


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