
Where may I find names? Because TER always refers to René Fritz as
author and as such it's not easy to find out who to contact in case of
very specific questions. For instance, in my case I would like to get a
better documentation for dam_indexing:

http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/extension-manuals/ dam_index/1.0.4/view/toc/0/

I may take time and understand why it does not work on my server and
then enhance the official documentation but how should I do it if the
"author" is not here anymore? Does it mean nobody is entitled to update
the extension? Who may I take contact with to actually contribute?

The entry point is really the DAM mailing list. I'm sure if you offer some help the DAM team is bound to notice :-)


François Suter

Cobweb Development Sàrl

Rue Eugène-Marziano 15, CH-1227 Les Acacias (Geneva - Switzerland)
T: +41 22 880 00 93, F: +41 22 880 00 94, E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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